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Meeting Minutes 2020

Writer's picture: Gillian BrautigamGillian Brautigam

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

CO ACNM Affiliate Virtual Meeting 9/9/20:

20 attendees

Guest Presentation from NGAC: Nancy & Jeanne

  • Bill going to Senate for Full Hospital Privileging at the National Level

  • Started this process in 2009

  • Different than just being on staff, having full privileges would protect those especially in the event that collaborating physician leaves

Update from the Western Slope: Heidi Philips & Kala Kluender

  • Heidi from Grand Junction:

    • They have weathered the fires and they are receding

    • Works at Blooming Babies in Grand Junction; have been very busy, increased number of new OB visits and more people desiring birth center care

    • Blooming Babies is now offering hospital as well as birth center births. They are also first assisting for C/S

    • Mesa Midwives: the last midwife moved to CA and they are currently determining if they can move on in her absence

  • Kala from Glenwood Springs:

    • Fires were 6 miles out of town, finally receding

    • Difficult for patients in the East to get to town when the highway closed and lost some births to this travel issue, starting to settle down

  • Midwife from Steamboat: they have worked with more transient families, seeing more mental health issues and stress due to job loss/housing loss/job uncertainty, seeking mental health support and resources from afar


  • Thursday October 15, 2020

  • Auction will still happen and will be online (can register even if you are not attending)

  • Pioneers project with debut: a tribute to Pioneer Midwives in CO

  • 6 CEU’s with great topics and current information

  • 36 people are registered

JEDI Committee: Anisa

  • Formed about 2 mos ago, have been meeting twice per month, accepting interested individuals

  • Setting up a speaker series

  • They found a speaker for the Symposium!

  • Will be looking for people to help raise money for a BIPOC scholarship

Legislation Update: Emily Daniels

  • 2 bills

    • Children's Campaign has drafted a letter to Gov. Polis and several state agency heads asking that children and families be centered in our state's ongoing response to COVID-19; number of initiatives to protect children & families and offer continued support after pandemic

    • Initiative 115 – opponents asked us to formally oppose this ballot measure - - the Affiliate Board decided to sign on as opposed using ACNM National statement on abortion

  • Off the Hill Day in January

  • We will plan to virtually visit our reps

Update on ACNM National: Jessica Anderson

  • Many new virtual opportunities, e.g. new leadership conference

  • New search for CEO at ACNM National: should be announced within a month

  • Virtual Inclusion Conference this weekend Sept 13/14

  • 66th Annual ACNM Meeting & Exhibition- Portland, OR; May 21-25, 2021; Dismantling Racism in Midwifery, abstracts due by 9/11/20

Update on Region 6: Jessica Anderson

  • Quarterly Meetings

  • Townhall in late Oct/early Nov (stay tuned)

  • Webinar: topic and date/time TBD


  • Harvey Cohen M&M Meeting Sat 11/7 8a-11p

  • New webpage:

  • Laruen Hamilton is our new social media manager

    • New Instagram is: co.acnm.affiliate

    • IG is linked to Facebook

  • Project Cure still looking for volunteers

  • Considerations for Annual Donation: suggestions were for mental health or large contribution toward a BIPOC midwifery student


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