Due October 1st:

We are inviting posters from Colorado ACNM members to share at the Poster Exposé at the Colorado Nurse Midwifery Symposium. This year, we are redesigning the poster exposé to include posters that have been presented by members throughout the year. Submit your poster to share your work, network, and encourage dialog across the state!
Accepted posters include:
-Posters presented at national conferences (e.g. ACNM, Midwifery Works, WIN)
-Posters presented locally (e.g. hospital poster fair, University poster fair, education event)
-Original posters developed for the CO Nurse Midwifery Symposium
-Not sure? Ask us!
Posters will be posted online with a secure link during the symposium and for one week after.
Please send your posters in PDF or powerpoint format along with the title and authors by Oct. 1st to katy.kissler@gmail.com